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Bedbuyer™ is Australia’s largest online bedding resource and leading independent mattress review website. Our site contains over 1600 mattress reviews, conducted by our expert team of health professionals who are all exprienced in clinical patient care and mattress assessment. Bedbuyer also contains dozens of articles on sleep health and bedding, to further assist Australians in getting a good night’s sleep.
Bedbuyer™ is an independent company and is not owned or part-owned by any bedding retailer or manufacturer. Furthermore, all of the mattress reviews listed on Bedbuyer are 100% independent and unbiased. To eliminate any element of bias, we do not receive any money or financial reward for undertaking our mattress reviews. Similarly, none of the mattresses listed in any of our top product lists have paid Bedbuyer to be listed. Bedbuyer is fully committed to providing genuine and trustworthy information to help Australian consumers get the right mattress for their individual needs. To see how we conduct our mattress reviews, click here.
Please note that Bedbuyer’s expert reviews are based on an assessment of the product alone. Our reviews do not relate to customer service or any other logistical processes (such as payments, delivery, or returns).